Azienda per il Turismo Dolomiti Paganella
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Brenta Dolomites

The Brenta is a bit like us: from afar, we’re all sharp towers and rocky slopes, but from up close you can see our green, grazing meadows and babbling brooks.

The Dolomiti di Brenta are one single mountain range, but each valley has its own personality: the amphitheatre atop the wild Val d’Ambiez, the Sporeggio’s open scenery, and the steep hills of the Valle delle Seghe.

As soon as we started ascending them, we became their guardians. Our huts offer rest and food to other hikers. We provide instructions and tips on how to make even the most difficult parts safe. We try to avoid leaving traces behind us. We teach our children to be guardians of the mountain.

To win us over, you need to be humble, cautious, and tenacious. The view of never-ending summits and the pink-hued sunrises will repay all your hard work.

The Adamello Brenta Nature Park

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